ill stop wearing black when they invent a different colour


Colour has a profound impact on our emotions and energy levels. It has been studied extensively in the fields of science, psychology, and even spirituality. In this article, we will explore how different colours can affect our vibrations and align with our spiritual beliefs. Whether you’re a believer in energy healing, a fashion enthusiast, or simply curious, Wednesday’s World has been looking deeper into how we can align the way we dress using the power of colour.

Black fashion MoodBoard

Understanding the Vibrational Nature of Colour

To comprehend how colours influence our emotions and energy, it’s essential to understand their vibrational nature.

Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of the colour spectrum in the late seventeenth century revealed that each colour is defined by a different wavelength of light. This led to the development of the colour wheel, which Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung later used to study the effects of colour on the human mind. Today, colour psychology is widely applied in marketing and advertising strategies.

Colour is essentially a form of light energy, vibrating at different speeds. When combined, these vibrations create the entire colour spectrum. Helen Trevisiol Duff, an expert in the field, explains that colour is a part of light and possesses its own unique energy.

The Mysterious Power of Black 

Why we should wear the much loved Black Carefully

Black, who doesn’t love Black! A colour of power, elegance and mystery. Black is a dominant colour, yet we tend to use it as a neutral colour. A colour we all feel safe wearing, as it can be flattering, slimming and it pretty much goes with any other colour. It is one of the most popular colour choices that most of the western world is likely to have in their wardrobe. However, when delving into the energy and vibrations of colour, black is often perceived negatively.

Black has been linked to concepts such as blackmail, being blacklisted, the “unlucky” black cat, and death. It has acquired a reputation as a depressing, scary, and even evil colour. This negative perception contradicts the personal experiences of many individuals who enjoy wearing black, including myself.

Black isn’t bad, it is misunderstood! 

Upon further research I started to understand the colour black a lot more. So much so I have now started to reshape my wardrobe to make room for some lighter colour’s and the colour I never buy (white) here is why… 

One of the most common associations with black is death. Hence why many of the western world wear black at funerals. But in many traditions, wearing black at a funeral is not appropriate nor sensible. Sadhguru explains that black is an absorbent colour, just as it absorbs the sun it also absorbs many energies, which is why you shouldn’t ever wear black at a funeral as it is a time of mourning and is an energy that you do not want to absorb.  

When ‘The Guardian’ asked a scientist if black was a colour, they replied; No, In the visible spectrum, white reflects light and so it is actually a presence of all colour’s. But black absorbs it, sucks it all in. 

Sadhguru recommends wearing white at a funeral which is what a lot of cultures already do. Wearing white works as a reflection and is the colour known to reflect any negative energies keeping you protected. In fact it is recommended that whenever you are anywhere with a lot of unsure energies you should wear white. 

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t wear black, but it should be worn when you are happy to absorb the energy around you. When you know you are going to be surrounded by positive or loving energies then wear black. But if you need to reflect the energies around you, wear white! This will allow you to radiate your own energy in return. That’s it in black and white! 

Colour has it tricks – Sadhguru 

White actually contains all wavelengths of visible light? It’s like a beautiful blend of colors coming together. On the other hand, black is the absence of light, creating a sense of depth and mystery.

Interestingly, both white and black have healing properties, but in different ways. White is often associated with clearing and purifying energies. It has a cleansing effect that can help create a sense of clarity and purity. On the other hand, black is known for its absorbing nature. It can absorb negative energies or emotions, providing a sense of grounding and protection.

When we talk about colours, we’re essentially talking about light traveling in waves. The length of these waves determines the colour we perceive. And here’s an interesting fact: the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency.

The wavelength and frequency of a colour play a significant role in how we experience it.

Take violet, for example. With its short wavelength, it has the highest frequency among the colours that the average human eye can see. This high frequency gives violet a vibrant and energetic quality.

On the other hand, red has longer wavelengths, making it a lower frequency colour like red. This lower frequency gives red a sense of warmth and intensity. Studies have shown that different colours can trigger and enhance different emotions when we encounter them.

The power of colours to evoke emotions is why they are widely used in various fields such as marketing and design.

Advertisers carefully choose colours to elicit specific emotional responses from consumers. Interior designers use colours to create certain moods in different spaces. Think of the popular fast food chains using reds and yellows to Facebook and twitter using blue.  

Colours have a profound impact on our lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. In the ancient practice of Feng Shui, colours are meticulously chosen to align with the purpose and energy of each room. The significance of colour cannot be underestimated in Feng Shui as it carries deep meanings and has the power to influence our overall mood and even shape our lives.

Colours have an incredible ability to influence our emotions and capture our attention. They hold the power to ignite passion, evoke tranquility, or even spark creativity.

And what better way to harness this power than by incorporating colours into our wardrobes?

By understanding the psychological impact of colours, we can curate outfits that not only make us look good but also make us feel good. Whether you want to exude confidence during a job interview or create a sense of calmness for a casual day out, the right choice of colours can help you achieve just that.

So why not embrace the power of colours in your wardrobe? Experiment with different combinations and see how they affect your mood and confidence levels. Let your clothes become an extension of your personality and let the world see the vibrant hues that lie within you!

Blue mood

Blue Fashion Moodboard

Blue is often associated with the calming qualities of the ocean and the sky. It has a soothing effect on our emotions, lowering our heart rate and inducing a sense of tranquillity. Nurses commonly wear blue uniforms due to its calming properties. Additionally, blue is considered a safe and trustworthy colour. 

From a spiritual perspective, blue is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication. Wearing blue can help us feel calm and communicate effectively. 

Green mood

Green Fashion Mood Board

The colour of Love! Although red is very commonly used as the colour of love, due to red being the colour of passion. Green is associated with the heart chakra, it is the colour of infinite love, and most of all the colour of mother nature.

Green is a prosperous colour, which many believe is the reason why money is heavily associated with the colour green. Due to this green, especially dark green, is associated with greed and envy, however I struggled to find any further references for this.  

In African traditions green is the colour of growth within yourself just as nature grows.  

Psychologically, green is a relaxing colour that can ease tension and stimulate creativity. It connects us to the natural world and fills us with a sense of calm, motivation, and endless possibilities. 

Wear green when you feel like sending out love and feel at one with nature. When you want to be creative and feel motivated.  

Red  mood

Red Fashion Moodboard

Red is the colour of passion and anger, evoking intense emotions. It is connected to the root chakra, which keeps us grounded and connected to the Earth. Red is often associated with warning signs and can stimulate our adrenaline, making us feel energized and ready for action. 

Ever used the term ‘red flag!’ Red is the colour of warning. Psychologically doing the opposite to blue, red increases our heart rates and can boost our adrenaline hence it being a colour that represents action. It is the colour that gets stuff done.  

Red is a colour that I found differed in cultures 

‘The sexual denotations of the red in the West are almost opposite of the simplicity, purity, and ritualistic candour of the colour in the East. The dynamism of red has always led it to command power and awe. It’s interesting, however, to see how different cultures utilized the colour in their daily lives.’   

Red is a powerful colour to wear when you need an extra boost of energy, want to feel confident and in control, or desire to ignite your sensuality and desirability. However, it’s important to wear red in moderation, as excessive exposure to this intense colour can lead to irritability and aggression. 

Orange mood

Orange Fashion Moodboard

Orange is associated with the sacral chakra, which governs our emotions and sexuality. It is also connected to our inner child, evoking feelings of fun, energy, and youthfulness. However, orange can also bring up unresolved childhood traumas, so it’s important to approach this colour with mindfulness. Orange increases our energy levels making it a colour that we can’t ignore. 

Wearing orange can help grab attention, promote creativity, and infuse our lives with vitality. It is a colour that demands to be noticed, so it’s crucial to consider the level of stimulation we desire when incorporating orange into our wardrobes. 

If you are aligning yourself spiritually then wear orange to connect with your inner child and help to heal yourself.  


Purple Fashion Moodboard

Purple holds a rich history and is often associated with luxury and wealth. In the past, purple was challenging to dye into fabrics, making it a symbol of opulence. Because of this, it is often associated with money and luxury.  

This regal colour is soothing, relaxing, and stimulating all at once, making it perfect for focused creativity. Violet is linked to the crown chakra and is a colour linked to spiritual enlightenment. It’s no wonder it’s the most magical and mysterious colour of them all!  

It possesses a mysterious and magical quality that can deepen our connection to our higher selves. When we want to tap into our creative potential or feel more connected to our spirituality, wearing purple can be incredibly empowering. Wear purple when you are feeling creative or want to feel connected to your higher self.  


Yellow Fashion Moodboard

Known as the happiest colour in the world, yellow has the power to boost our mood and bring warmth into our lives. It is reminiscent of the sun, radiating positivity and optimism.

Yellow is connected to the solar plexus chakra, located in our stomachs, which fuels our ambition and helps us turn our dreams into reality.  When activated it can bring a sense of ‘fire in the belly’ to turn your dreams into reality.  

Wearing yellow can uplift our spirits and help us radiate positivity. However, like any colour, it’s important to strike a balance. Too much yellow can be overwhelming, so it’s crucial to consider the desired effect when incorporating yellow into our outfits. 


Colour is a powerful tool that can significantly impact our emotions, energy levels, and overall well-being. By understanding the vibrational nature of colour and its connection to spirituality, we can harness its power to align our wardrobes with our beliefs. 

From the calming properties of blue to the nurturing qualities of green, each colour has its unique energy and symbolism. By consciously selecting the colours we wear, we can enhance our mood, promote self-expression, and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. 

So, the next time you open your wardrobe, consider the colours that resonate with your spirit and choose your outfit accordingly. Embrace the transformative power of colour and let it guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. 

Remember, your wardrobe is not just about fashion; it’s a reflection of your spirit. Choose your colours wisely, and watch as your energy aligns with your innermost desires. 

Visit Sensational Colour for a detailed breakdown of each colour!

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