The New Lidl Christmas Jumper is Sustainable!

The Christmas Jumper, an excellent example of Fast Fashion! These jumpers are brought every year and probably worn once or twice before being locked away in a cupboard for the rest of the year before being donated to charity or worse, thrown away. Lidl have a solution! The Lidl Christmas Jumper

The Lidl Christmas jumper with Lidl logo in blue colour

It is fair to say that the Christmas jumper concept is NOT the most environmentally friendly. And, with it being national Christmas jumper day, most workplaces and schools across the UK and the US have set aside a day for employees and students to participate. This leads to digging out an old one, but consumers are still buying new ones each year. A Christmas jumper for each festive occasion. Environmental experts have been attempting to persuade consumers not to purchase a jumper for the day, but rather to seek out more creative and sustainable alternatives.


Lidl has released their own Christmas jumper collection. Despite boldly displaying the Lidl logo isn’t the most attractive, they still uphold a festive theme.

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Instead of purchasing a jumper, rent one for £2 per day!

Lidl’s limited edition jumpers which are available until the 31st December are made from upcycled materials. Instead of the mass plastic-based textiles that were previously used for the mass production of Christmas jumpers. Lidl believes that renting and re-wearing clothing can significantly help a concept that is causing major problems in the industry. Looking at issues like this is what will lead us to a more sustainable future.

The Lidl Christmas jumper with Lidl logo in red colour and blue Lidl print Christmas jumper

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