I came across Sedna for the first time this week. I often listen to world astrology to get a feel for the energy to come. Whilst listening to Pam Gregory, she mentioned that Sedna the dwarf planet will be moving out of Taurus after 56 years, and will making its first transition into Gemini this June (2023).
Throughout ancient history humans have used astronomy and astrology as one. Many cultures such as the Egyptians, ancient China and the Mayans have all studied the sky and the positions of the planets and aligned them with events that have happened on earth.
With Sedna being a relatively new planet, it’s hard to pinpoint the traits it carries and the effects it will have on the world. However, astrologers strongly believe that this will be a time of significant change to mankind. As Sedna moves from the social Structures and security of Taurus, into the Mind and communicative Gemini
What is the Planet Sedna

I decided to do some more research on Sedna. I came across an article that discussed Alan Clay’s book “Sedna Consciousness: The Soul’s Path of Destiny” Published in 2010
Here is a break down of what I found:
- Sedna was discovered by astronomers in 2003.
- Sedna is said to be 8 billion Miles away.
- It is predicted to take the planet approximately 11,406 years to orbit the Sun.
- In 2070 Sedna will reach its closest point to earth.
- Sedna remains the furthest planet away from us, even at is closest point. Making it further than Pluto.
Naming the new planet after the sea goddess Sedna
Due to Sedna being the most distant planet in our solar system, it was named after the Inuit goddess Sedna, that is said to lay at the bottom of the Artic Ocean.
The story of the sea goddess Sedna has been interpreted in various ways throughout different cultures. Some believe she was a victim, whilst others believe it is a story of transcendence. However, in every story Sedna is taken out to sea (either by the people or her father) and is thrown overboard a boat. In each story she tries to cling on to the boat (symbolising Sedna hanging on to her old reality), but her fingers are cut off making her fall to the bottom of the ocean. In some legends it is believed that she transformed into dolphins, whales and other beautiful sea creatures. Showing transformation.
Looking Back to Discover Sedna’s Traits and Effects
Astrologers have looked at the past positions of Sedna and aligned them with the worldly events at the time. To have an idea of what this move into Gemini will mean for us.
According to Alan Kay “Sedna represents the weird new outer limit of our consciousness, which is going to stretch our concepts of reality and pull us to look at ourselves as part of the very big picture.”
Sedna in the signs
Sedna in Aries – Prior to Sedna moving into Taurus in 1965, Sedna was placed in Aries. A star sign heavily associated with conflict, due to its ruling planet Mars, the planet of War. Sedna was in Aries throughout both World Wars, the Vietnam War and other wars.
Sedna in Taurus – In 1965 as Sedna moved into Taurus. Taurus the sign of structure and money, the world was dictated around Money, property and greed.
Sedna in Gemini – The sign of communication. It is also the sign for the mind. Sedna moving into Gemini should be a good thing consciously. It also aligns with the rise in AI and communication.
Many astrologers believe that each new planet represents a new aspect, or level of consciousness, Alan Kay believes that Sedna will bring about a sense of transcendence and Spiritual growth.
“We’re currently in what we’re calling a digital revolution, the Sedna in Taurus phase. And with Sedna’s entry into Gemini in 2024, it is likely that this will morph more into a consciousness revolution. That’s a bold and, dare I say it, hopeful claim, and anything I write about Sedna in Gemini at this stage is pure speculation. But because the sign is Gemini, we do know that it’s going to have to do with the mind, with intellectual debate, opinions, and communication.”
Alan kay
Sedna and new planets in astrology
As time goes by it is likely that more and more planets are due to be discovered. What will this then mean for astrology? Will it keep changing its rules due to the ever-changing planets? How will this keep those skeptical from completely turning away astrology.
The word Planet comes from the Greek word Planetes which means ‘Wanderer’. These sky wanderers are also known as Celestial bodies.

In Vedic astrology only the following planets are taken into account: the Sun and the Moon, plus the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These wanderers were used in many ancient cultures as a guide to the human psyche and worldly predictions. This astrology is still used by many today.
When the telescope was discovered, the universe was found to be filled with more than once thought. Uranus was discovered in 1781. Neptune was discovered soon after.
7 days of the week, 7 heavens, 7 deadly sins, 7 chakras, at the time having 7 Planets made sense, but once new planets were found astrologers and Theosophists started to believe that there must be 12 planets one for each zodiac. This also aligned with the 12 months of the year, however this theory didn’t last, as more and more planets were discovered.
How does astrology include these new planets
Although there are some that still follow ancient traditions may and stick with the original 7 planets, Astrologers will study the new planets and look for synchronicities, its orbit and appearance and what was happening at the time it was discovered and finally how it effects individuals and the world when it travels through the charts.
In 1995 Pluto entered the sign of the explorer in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a sign that likes to push boundaries and grow in learning. In 1996 the Hubble telescope was able to correct irregularities this then led to the discovery of Kuiper Belt, where Pluto is set to reside.
“As our understanding expands, so our evolution expands. Astrology is always evolving, along with us and our understanding of our universe.
Michelle Knight – Astrologist
Going back to ancient Times, astrology was discovered due to humanity observing the sky and noticing patterns. These patterns also affected people personally, they studied them and were able to discover what certain movements affected humanity and the earth. With further research they were able to connect the planets and luminaries to aspects of individual personalities.
Should it change how we view astrology? Sticking to the old framework of astrology like those that like to follow the ancient traditions, is an option, it keeps a level of accuracy that has been tried and tested over 100s of years.
But going back to what Michelle Knight said as we evolve and expand so does the universe. It could be that these planets are found at significant moments. It’s important to study the new planets and get an understanding of the traits and effects it has on the earth depending on its placement.
Maybe just maybe it is all timing, and these sky wanderers are supposed to be discovered when they are. Human Beings sometimes like to get stuck in a pattern, but the earth is ever changing as is humanity and all the messages are in the sky!
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