One of the first clothing brands that I became familiar with was Spliffy and Naf Naf! It was 1995 and I remember my mum gifting me a black Spliffy Beanie hat alongside a Black Naf Naf Bomber jacket. This wasn’t unusual, everyone around me had some sort of clothing from the two brands. Jeans with a big Spliffy motif. Or a sea of Naf Naf Bomber Jackets in a playground.
They were the popular streetwear of the time. Some of the other brands were expensive but these brands were affordable and trendy.
Over the past decade with the revival of 90s fashion Spliffy and Naf Naf have made a subtle appearance amongst vintage lovers. But what initially happened to these two brands? Where are they now? And will we see more from the 2 nostalgic brands?
Starting with Spliffy

Spliffy consists with a logo of a brightly colourful man. Smoking a splif with the name Spliffy underneath. The image was placed on Jeans, Beanies, Tops, Hoodies and Jackets.
Interestingly, when looking into who owned, designed or produced Spliffy it became a difficult search.
Who designed, owned or founded Spliffy?
Spliffy was mainly sold in Market stores across the UK. All main cities have memory of Spliffy wearers and large towns around them. It was soon banned from being worn in a lot of schools, due to its derogatory meaning. This may have played a part in the brands later decline.
In 2014, a Company called Spliffy was trademarked by Aytan’s Manufacturing Company (UK) Limited who also own Criminal Damage.
The company is owned by brothers Sunny Aytan and his brother Monty Aytan from East London, their current streetwear brand Criminal Damage is heavily influenced by the music and culture of their East London roots.
You can still purchase Spliffy from their Criminal Damage website.

The brothers are taking their brand Criminal Damage into a more Eco friendly, sustainable brand and will be using organic and recycled materials. They also will be collaborating with big franchises such as Pokemon and Dracula. With Criminal Damage growing and on to good things, but It would still be lovely to reminisce and hear from the brothers and their story behind the still loved brand Spliffy.
Stay Tuned for a Naf Naf Nostalgia