Cosmic Journey of the Heart – Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023

As the Sun enters Leo, a celestial event unfolds in the sky

Venus goes retrograde in Leo!

This 40-day journey backward through our cosmic landscape has the power to disrupt and confuse our emotional energy. Just as Mercury retrograde affects our mental realm, Venus retrograde creates ripples in matters of the heart.

It’s a time of intense emotions, as we re-organise patterns around love and reconnect with our heart’s truth.

grayscale photo of person standing on seashore
Photo by Engin Akyurt
creative photo of person holding glass mason jar under a starry sky
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad
aerial photography of a boat on a waterway in the middle of forest
Photo by Kelly

The Journey of the Heart

Venus retrograde takes us on a journey deep into the realms of the heart. It travels through five signs: Capricorn, Aries, Gemini, Leo, and late Libra/Scorpio.

The last time Venus stationed retrograde in Leo was eight years ago, in 2015. Before we embark on this cosmic journey, it is essential to reflect on our emotions and experiences during that summer. By acknowledging our growth and seeking closure for any unresolved emotions, we pave the way for a transformative retrograde experience.

Unearthing Patterns and Desires

Venus entered a pre-shadow phase on June 19th, this is when we may have noticed patterns and attachment, cycles of the heart.

Our desires and the messages from our heart become increasingly apparent.

Deeply buried emotions rise to the surface, even those we have been suppressing for years. Life takes on a deeper meaning, and our attention turns to matters of the heart.

Venus Retrograde in Leo

We may start recognising patterns in our short-term romances and summer flings, realising that the people we attract energetically resemble figures from our past.

We also become aware of recurring patterns of reactivity, drama, and co-dependency within longer-term relationships.

Embracing Beauty and Self-Love

While this pre-shadow period coincided with Cancer Season, it offers us an opportunity to connect with our inner sense of beauty and love.

It encourages us to slow down, retreat to our inner sanctuary, and immerse ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us. Instead of rushing through life, we are called to pause and appreciate the roses along the way. By breaking patterns that cause us to ignore our needs, we shower ourselves with love and nurture our souls.

Take a moment each day to reflect on the beauty in your life and write down all the things that bring you joy and inspiration. By doing so, we dissolve the barriers that keep us from fully experiencing the depth of love and beauty.

Navigating Dramatic Emotions

As Venus stations retrograde on July 22nd, we enter Leo Season, a time when emotions are heightened. This retrograde can stir up intense emotions that compel us to take action.

However, we must remember that Leo has an affinity for drama and theatrics. It is important to channel our actions in a way that aligns with our true selves.

Expect visible dramas to unfold during this period, both ones we initiate and those brought forth by others.

It is crucial not to get entangled in the fires of this transit.


connect with your breath

and body,

seek solace in nature,

and allow the expansive view of the sky

to regulate your emotions.

Healing the Heart

Venus retrograde in Leo is a powerful time for healing the heart. It can bring forth past betrayals and the desire for justice or retribution. If you have experienced heartbreak in the past eight years, the energies surrounding that betrayal may resurface.

It is important to give your heart the space it needs to heal. This healing process may involve tears, introspection, and self-care rituals.

Allow any wounds to resurface and be felt, as this is an essential step towards healing. While it may feel overwhelming at times, remind yourself that you are here for your heart and that you are loved unconditionally. Treat your heart with the love, respect, and admiration you have always longed for.

a woman holding a palo santo
Photo by Mikhail Nilov
pink gemstone

Honesty and Emotional Authenticity

monk walking near buntings during day
Photo by Wouter de Jong

During Venus retrograde in Leo, it is crucial to be honest with ourselves about our emotions.

Instead of hiding our tears or pain, we must allow ourselves to feel and express them authentically. By doing so, we deepen our relationship with ourselves and with others.

This honesty creates a safe space for our emotions, allowing them to be acknowledged and accepted.

When we approach our emotions with love and compassion, they become less overwhelming and more easily regulated.

Remember, it is okay to feel whatever your heart needs to feel. Lean into your emotions, learn from them, and let them guide you towards a path of love and healing.

Embracing Your Inner Royalty

Leo, the sign associated with royalty, invites us to embrace our inner queen or king!

During this retrograde. It empowers us to rule our lives from the heart and to listen to its guidance each day. By meditating and connecting with our heart, we gain insight into its needs and desires.

We tap into its strength, resilience, and power, becoming unstoppable when we live a life driven by love. By leading with our heart, we break old patterns, radiate inner beauty, and experience a transformative love for ourselves and others.

Embracing New Connections

As Venus enters its post-shadow period on September 3rd, we shift our focus to new connections of the heart.

This is a time to form patterns that heal our hearts and allow us to embrace love in its purest form. We must examine the relationships forming or ready to form in our lives.

What or who are we now ready for? How can this energy support our heart’s desires? This is a time to be open to receiving love and beauty, taking risks for the chance to experience a love that transcends boundaries and brings us closer to the essence of our being – our heart.

Love From Wednesdays World

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