Shaved hair for women has been a controversial topic throughout time. This article is to empower women who have had no choice but to shave their hair. We know the COURAGE and STRENGTH they withhold and we celebrate them everyday! To EMPOWER and INSPIRE we need to embrace the women with who have been an inspiration to shaved hair for women.
It sheds light on the liberating experience of shaving one’s head, which allows these women to reclaim ownership of their bodies and challenge preconceived notions of femininity. Whether it’s due to medical conditions, cultural obligations, or personal exploration, these women have found empowerment and freedom in shedding the societal expectations.
Let’s appreciate the women who have shaved their heads to take a stand and for other reasons!
Having to Shave your hair due to Medical reasons
Shaving one’s head has become a powerful symbol of strength and determination in today’s society. It’s a daring statement that defies gender norms and social expectations. While some people choose to shave their heads for personal reasons, others are forced to do so due to medical conditions such as chemotherapy or alopecia.
The road is not always easy for those who have been forced to shave their heads. It takes enormous bravery to embrace a change that society frequently associates with vulnerability or nonconformity. However, it is critical to recognise and celebrate these individuals’ STRENGTH. They inspire us with their fortitude, reminding us that beauty is defined not by outward appearances, but by inner strength.
Historical context: The evolution of women’s hairstyles
Throughout history, women’s hairstyles have been closely tied to what society expects “norms”. From ancient times to the present day, hairstyles have served as symbols of femininity, beauty, and social status. Long, flowing locks have often been associated with femininity, while short hair has been considered more masculine. These gendered expectations have influenced women’s choices and limited their freedom to express themselves.
Using Hair to control Women

When we delve into the topic of women with shaved hair, it is crucial to recognize the historical instances where hair held such significance for women. So much so that it was exploited as a means of control, leading to its forced removal.
As we reflect on the historical manipulation surrounding women’s hair and witness the progress we have made, it is evident that we are moving towards a more inclusive and accepting society. We have learned from the past and are actively working towards dismantling harmful beauty standards. This shift in perception not only empowers women but also encourages others to embrace their authentic selves without fear of judgment or criticism.
Joan of Arc
During the Middle Ages, St. Joan of Arc, a French rebel, kept her hair cropped and wore men’s clothing to avoid sexual advances from men throughout her military. It ultimately resulted in her death sentence in 1431, after she was convicted of heresy by cross-dressing at the age of twenty. Executioners forcibly shaved her head and burned her at the stake.
Annie Sigalove
During the 1890s Progressive Era, a significant transformation occurred that impacted the lives of many people, including Annie Sigalove. Sigalove’s story begins on the lively dance floor of a Coney Island club, where she was unexpectedly plucked from her surroundings and taken into custody by nuns. Sigalove was enrolled against her will in a reform school designed specifically for “fallen women.” This facility aimed to transform sex workers, club dancers, and rebellious teenagers into respectable members of society. Within these walls, however, an unusual practise arose: the shaving of the girls’ heads as a form of punishment for misbehaviour.
due to this Annie Sigalove filed a grievance and became the subject of a sensational news story. “We find that the girls do not like to lose their hair,” one of the nuns explained to a reporter, “and that the fear of having it cut off tends to make them more obedient.” By the 1930s, the house had been closed and demolished.
Sleeping with the enemy
After the conclusion of World War II, a disturbing practice emerged in France where women who were accused of engaging in relationships with German soldiers were subjected to a degrading form of public humiliation – having their heads shaved. This act was intended to publicly shame and stigmatize these women, serving as a visible symbol of their alleged collaboration with the enemy.
When the Hair looses its power
In contemporary times, celebrating shaved hair has taken on a different meaning altogether. It has become an empowering choice for individuals who wish to challenge societal beauty standards and embrace their own unique identity. Shaved heads are now seen as bold statements of self-expression and confidence. Many people choose to shave their heads as a way to break free from societal expectations, redefine beauty, and embrace their individuality.
Those that shaved their heads to take a stand…
In a society that often dictates how women should look, one brave choice challenges beauty standards and empowers women to embrace their authentic selves. Women who have chosen to shave their heads, show a powerful journey in defying societal expectations and embracing their natural beauty.

By challenging stereotypes, these women inspire others to question long-held assumptions about femininity and beauty. Their stories not only highlight the importance of self-expression and self-acceptance but also serve as a reminder that beauty comes in all forms.
Join us in this journey of liberation and discover the trans-formative power of embracing shaved hair.

Women’s hairstyles began to change at the turn of the twentieth century as women began to question traditional gender roles. The 1920s were the “flapper” era, when women defied societal norms by cutting their hair short in a style known as the “bob.” This act of defiance challenged traditional notions of femininity and was interpreted as a bold declaration of independence.
Overtime, long hair regained popularity as a SYMBOL of femininity over time. Women were expected to have luscious, flowing locks, and those who deviated from this standard were frequently judged. The pressure to conform to these beauty standards frequently left women feeling trapped and limited in their ability to express themselves.
By empowering those who have had no choice but to shave their heads and appreciating the women who have done so intentionally, we contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society. Let us celebrate the courage, strength, and individuality of these individuals, as they inspire us to redefine beauty and challenge societal norms.
Britney Spears
Britney Spears. In 2007, she shocked the world by shaving her head, an act that was widely misunderstood at the time. However, looking beyond the surface, it becomes evident that this incident was not merely a random act but a cry for help and a desperate attempt to break free from the suffocating grip of the industry.
When Britney Spears shaved her head in 2007, many interpreted it as a sign of madness or instability. However, it is important to view this act as a desperate plea for freedom and autonomy. Shaving her head was a symbolic way for Britney to regain control over her own identity, to break free from the expectations and constraints imposed upon her.
The decision to shave one’s head is often met with mixed reactions. Some may view it as an act of courage and individuality, while others may see it as an act of rebellion or even perceive it negatively. However, for the women who have chosen to embrace shaved hair, it is a powerful journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Sinead O’Connor’s Hair Cut: A Story of Trauma and Empowerment

In a 2017 talk, Sinead O’Connor shared the story behind her iconic shaved head. She explained that her mother had constantly belittled her sister’s red hair, calling it “ugly, horrible, and disgusting.” As a result, Sinead felt pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and avoid being perceived as “pretty.” Instead, she chose to cut her hair off, a decision that was both empowering and a form of self-protection.
The Trauma of Being Told You’re “Ugly”
Sinead’s experience highlights the profound impact that societal beauty standards can have on individuals, particularly women. The constant message that certain physical features are “ugly” or “disgusting” can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and even trauma.
In Sinead’s case, the constant criticism of her sister’s hair and the association of prettiness with danger and vulnerability led her to make a drastic change in her own appearance. By shaving her head, Sinead was able to reclaim her power and reject societal beauty standards that had caused her so much pain.
Sinead also said she didn’t want to be ‘sold’ on her appearance. The singer, who released 10 studio albums in her career, also wished to keep an androgynous image as she was in the limelight so as not to distract from her talent. She added:
“I was asked one day would I grow my hair long and wear short skirts because they wanted to sell me on my sexuality. I didn’t want to be sold on that. If I was going to be successful, I wanted it to be because I was a good musician.”

The style became part of Sinead’s identity, with her saying:
“I don’t feel like me unless I have my hair shaved. So even when I’m an old lady, I’m going to have it.” – and she did! <3
Grace Jones: Challenging stereotypes and social expectations

Grace Jones is a legendary figure in the world of music, fashion, and art. Known for her bold and unconventional style, one of the most distinctive aspects of her appearance is her shaved head. In her memoirs, Jones reflects on the reasons behind her decision to embrace this unique hairstyle, stating, “My shaved head made me look more abstract, less tied to a specific race or sex or tribe. I was black, but not black; woman, but not woman; American, but Jamaican; African, but science fiction.”
Jones’ statement highlights the multifaceted nature of her identity and how her shaved head played a role in expressing this complexity. By defying traditional beauty standards and societal expectations, she was able to transcend categorizations and challenge conventional notions of race, gender, and nationality.
Jesse J – For Charity but Embraced and Maintained

Jesse J made headlines when she decided to cut her hair for charity. However, it wasn’t just an act for charity, she also embraced the hairstyle. In an interview, Jesse J expressed her intention to keep her hair short for a while, stating that she wanted to make a statement. According to Jesse J, shaving one’s head for charity loses its purpose if the hair is simply allowed to grow back immediately.
“There’s no point shaving your head for charity if you’re going to grow it back the next day”
In addition to the symbolic nature of her haircut, Jesse J also touched upon the practical aspects of maintaining her new ‘do. She revealed that she needed trim her hair every three days due to its rapid growth. She used her new look for an album cover, emphasizing the significance of her decision. Jesse J kept her shaved look for a few months after shaving it!
More woman who shaved their Hair
Bazaar Magazine recently published an insightful interview featuring four women who made the bold decision to shave their heads, each with their own unique stories behind it. One of the women, a 32-year-old wellness coach, shared her experience of choosing to shave her hair after escaping from an abusive relationship. For her, shaving her head symbolized a fresh start and served as a powerful reset button in her life.
In the interview, the woman expressed how shaving her hair allowed her to discover new levels of self-love and acceptance. By embracing her baldness, she found a newfound sense of beauty that she had never experienced before. The act of shaving off her hair became a transformative journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

Whilst another lady chose to shave her hair because she felt the need to renew herself, a 21-year-old student explains her motivation behind this decision. She desired to disconnect from the attachment she had with her hair and her past, seeking a fresh start. Although she describes feeling a weight lifted once her hair was gone, she still experienced nervousness about how the world would now perceive and treat her. However, this act of shaving her hair ultimately boosted her confidence and provided her with a sense of being reborn.
A 57-year-old makeup artist explains that pursuing a career in makeup artistry had always been a lifelong dream for her. However, it wasn’t until the emergence of the COVID-19 lockdown that she finally took the plunge and decided to pursue her desire. She further expresses her delight in the fact that she has chosen to keep her hair shaved and has never looked back.
Finally, a 23-year-old Art Director made the inspiring decision to shave her head in order to challenge and break her conditioned perception of beauty. This courageous act serves as a powerful reminder that societal standards of beauty are subjective and can be transcended. The young woman, along with many other women who have undergone a similar experience, highly recommend that everyone should try shaving their head at least once in their lifetime. By doing so, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, challenge societal norms, and embrace their own unique beauty.
Feeling Inspired
Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne shaved her hair in 2017 for a role as a cancer patient. It was her idea to do it and went through with it even being advised not too, as it wasn’t required.
Ava Black
And Finally YouTuber Ava Black explains how she had wanted to shave her hair, after seeing Cara de LaVine do it.
But she hadn’t felt she was in the right place until recently, she has gone for it and she is not looking back!

There are many reasons why women choose to shave their heads. For some, it is a form of rebellion against societal expectations of beauty and femininity. For others, it is a way to cope with the stress and anxiety of everyday life. And for some, it is a bold statement of self-love and acceptance.
whichever the reason shaving one’s head can be a transformative experience on multiple levels. Firstly, it allows individuals to detach themselves from the conventional notions of beauty imposed by society. Hair has long been associated with femininity and attractiveness, and by voluntarily removing it, one can liberate themselves from these constraints. This act of defiance challenges the deeply ingrained beliefs about what is considered beautiful and encourages self-acceptance beyond external appearances.
A Note those that have shaved their head due to medical reasons

For others, shaving their heads can be a difficult and emotional experience. It can challenge their sense of self and identity, and make them feel vulnerable and exposed.
Losing your hair due to medical reasons can be a challenging and emotional experience, but it’s important to remember that your beauty and worth are not defined by your physical appearance. Your hair is just one aspect of who you are, and there is so much more to celebrate about you!
Here are three reasons to help you celebrate your new look:
1. Embrace the freedom of a low-maintenance hairstyle: Without the burden of long hair, you can now enjoy the ease and convenience of a shorter style. You can try out different looks and styles without the worry of tangles and knots. Embrace the freedom to experiment and find what works best for you!
2. Discover the power of a fresh start: Losing your hair can be a difficult experience, but it can also be an opportunity for a fresh start. Embrace this change as a chance to reinvent yourself and try out new looks, styles, and products that you may have never considered before. You never know what you might discover!
3. Celebrate your strength and resilience: Losing your hair due to medical reasons can be a challenging experience, but it’s important to remember that you are strong and resilient. You have faced this challenge head-on and come out on top. Celebrate your strength and the courage it takes to face difficult situations with grace and determination.
Remember, your beauty and worth are not defined by your physical appearance. You are so much more than just your hair. Embrace your new look and celebrate the unique qualities that make you, YOU! 💖
I wrote this article for a very close friend who recently had to embark on a journey of shaving her hair. I wanted to give her a reason to celebrate her new look, and remind her of the strength she has within. I know how hair can become your identity and this journey may be a tough ride, but lets make it a reason to celebrate. Finally I want to remind my friend of how beautiful she always is!